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Donations for Pasadena Humane

HELP ADOPT this super sweet doggie Luna! I start doing an art project with animal shelters now and hopefully they get adopted sooner. This is Luna, the animal shelter shared with me. "One look at Luna’s smile and you just know she’s destined for greatness! Luna is absolutely stellar with people and always ready to put on a performance including all the classic hits such as: sit, shake, and down. When she’s in a crowd, she lights up the room with her smile and poise. If you’re looking to add a little razzle dazzle to your life, Luna could be the star you’ve been searching for!" If you are interested in adopting this super sweet doggie. Please contact: The animal ID is:A501939


Donations for South Pasadena Police Department

Donated my art to South Pasadena Police Station for their K-9 unit. I owe thanks to my sweetest neighbor who connected me to the chief of SPPD for making this happen. Because of this opportunity, I have learned so much about their canines. How they are trained and how amazing they are in helping the community. Unfortunately, they might shut down the K-9 unit, so there will no longer be dogs in our police departments. This will also include search and rescue dogs. Hopefully the community can gain more knowledge of working dogs, and keep them in the force.


Donations for Hamilton Elementary  School

I'm extremely happy that I had the opportunity to donate my art to Hamilton Elementary school in Pasadena. Thank you so much for reaching out to me, this art project is so meaningful to me! The funds will go towards the computer lab and keeping the library open on the weekends in hopes to provide children access to a safe, educational environment. I'm so excited and I hope that my small part will help the process! I did this animal art specifically because of their school mascot, which is a bobcat! If you are interested in helping the school, you are very welcome to check the link:


Donations for Bubbles Rescue

So happy to donate my art to bubblesrescue @bubblesdogrescue I really hope that my art can help this cute boy finds a sweet home! Drax is a very special dog, he's deaf but that doesn't stop him from being incredibly happy and sweet! He's amazing with cats too :). Every new person he meets, he sees as his new BEST friend. Drax loves to explore during his daily walks. He also loves playing, including fetch and catching treats his humans toss for him. Drax has aspirations of being a lap dog and doesn’t let his size stop him from striving for that dream!!! ADOPT DRAX!! If you are interested please contact


Donations for San Gabriel Valley Humane

Extremely happy that I donated my art to San Gabriel Valley Humane Society. The art I made was for a doggy named Wednesday, who came into the shelter in December of last year. She was really shy, timid, and fearful- being put in a strange, unfamiliar environment must be so hard for her. I hope that she gets adopted and finds a forever home soon! I had such a pleasure meeting the president of the San Gabriel Valley Humane Society. She told me that she loved the art so much when I handed it over to her. She also shared that a lot of their shelters unfortunately lack volunteers. Volunteers are really important in the shelters because there are the ones making sure that the animals get the care that they need. I told her about my nonprofit and she is very interested! I hope we can work together soon so that we can help more animals and people while building forever connections!


Donations for Hawaii Sea Turtle Rescue

I donated my art to this nonprofit to protect sea turtles. I had this wonderful opportunity to meet the kindest person who has been a volunteer for sea turtles. Thanks to her, I have learned so much about them, and I've come to realize that we need to help them.


Mālama i nā honu (Protect the Turtles) is a tax-exempt nonprofit entity that was created in 2007 to become the successor to the "Show Turtles Aloha" campaign originated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Marine Turtle Research Program in 2005. Their organization is made up of over 95 dedicated and knowledgeable volunteer "Honu Guardians" who are on the beach every day of the year to prevent intentional and inadvertent harassment of the Hawaiian Green Sea Turtles as they bask peacefully on the beach and to provide educational outreach to the public by imparting facts about the turtles, explaining their behaviors, and creating an awareness of the ongoing need to protect this "threatened" species.


I can't appreciate enough how this organization is assisting them. So, I decided to donate one of my animal and butterfly collections to them. I hope my art can contribute a little to their upcoming auction to raise money and protect them!


Donations for Kadampa Meditation Center LA

I donated three art pieces to Kadampa Meditation Center and it has been one of the best moments of my life. I had the honor of creating a “Wheel of Life” for their auction event to raise money for the temple. It took almost three weeks to finish, being a larger piece (16x20) and I used 4 different mediums to create all of the color and tiny details within the piece. Fortunately my art broke the record of the highest bid of the temple’s history; almost doubling the previous highest bid record! This art journey has been super meaningful and special for me. It helped me find peace from recently losing my grandfather and best friend. And also helped me to find happiness in giving. Thank you KMC and the people who brought me to this event! I am speechless and teared knowing I received so many people’s blessings and witnessed the support of all the wonderful people at the event. Such a beautiful, enriching, and humbling experience for me.

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